摘要:Allograft-specific regulatory T cells (T
reg cells) are crucial for long-term graft acceptance after transplantation. Although adoptive T
reg cell transfer has been proposed, major challenges include graft-specificity and stability. Thus, there is an unmet need for the direct induction of graft-specific T
reg cells. We hypothesized a synergism of the immunotolerogenic effects of rapamycin (mTOR inhibition) and plerixafor (CXCR4 antagonist) for T
reg cell induction. Thus, we performed fully-mismatched heart transplantations and found combination treatment to result in prolonged allograft survival. Moreover, fibrosis and myocyte lesions were reduced. Although less CD3
+ T cell infiltrated, higher T
reg cell numbers were observed. Noteworthy, this was accompanied by a plerixafor-dependent plasmacytoid dendritic cells-(pDCs)-mobilization. Furthermore, in vivo pDC-depletion abrogated the plerixafor-mediated T
reg cell number increase and reduced allograft survival. Our pharmacological approach allowed to increase T
reg cell numbers due to pDC-mediated immune regulation. Therefore pDCs can be an attractive immunotherapeutic target in addition to plerixafor treatment.