摘要:What we mean by species and whether they have any biological reality has been debated since the early days of evolutionary biology. Some biologists even suggest that plant species are created by taxonomists as a subjective, artificial division of nature. However, the nature of plant species has been rarely tested critically with data while ignoring taxonomy. We integrate phenomic and genomic data collected across hundreds of individuals at a continental scale to investigate this question in
Escallonia (Escalloniaceae), a group of plants which includes 40 taxonomic species (the species proposed by taxonomists). We first show that taxonomic species may be questionable as they match poorly to patterns of phenotypic and genetic variation displayed by individuals collected in nature. We then use explicit statistical methods for species delimitation designed for phenotypic and genomic data, and show that plant species do exist in
Escallonia as an objective, discrete property of nature independent of taxonomy. We show that such species correspond poorly to current taxonomic species (