摘要:Interfacial adhesion between polymer matrix and reinforcing silica nanoparticles plays an important role in strengthening polypropylene (PP) composite. To improve the adhesion strength, the surface of silica nanoparticles can be modified by grafted functional molecules. Using atomistic simulations, we examined the effect of functionalization of silica nanoparticles by hexamethyldisilazane (HMDS) and octyltriethoxysilane (OTES) molecules on the deformation and failure of silica-reinforced PP composite. We found that the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) of PP composite functionalized by OTES (28 MPa) is higher than that of HMDS (25 MPa), which is in turn higher than that passivated only by hydrogen (22 MPa). To understand the underlying mechanistic origin, we calculated the adhesive energy and interfacial strength of the interphase region, and found that both the adhesive energy and interfacial strength are the highest for the silica nanoparticles functionalized by OTES molecules, while both are the lowest by hydrogen. The ultimate failure of the polymer composite is initiated by the cavitation in the interphase region with the lowest mass density, and this cavitation failure mode is common for all the examined PP composites, but the cavitation position is dependent on the tail length of the functional molecules. The present work provides interesting insights into the deformation and cavitation failure mechanisms of the silica-reinforced PP composites, and the findings can be used as useful guidelines in selecting chemical agents for surface treatment of silica nanoparticles.