摘要:AbstractInflation and inflation uncertainty are instrumental in the determination of financial stability, and ultimately, economic growth. We investigated the impact of inflation and inflation uncertainty on growth in South Africa by applying the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) estimation techniques on quarterly data covering the period 1961Q1 to 2019Q4. Unlike previous studies on South Africa, we investigated the joint impact of inflation and inflation uncertainty in South Africa, and also, pioneered in comparing the impact of both variables on growth before, and after, inflation targeting. This provided an opportunity to assess the effectiveness of inflation targeting while also investigating any changes in the behavior of the variables. We found that inflation negatively harms growth in both the short and long run, while inflation uncertainty is a short-run phenomenon in South Africa with no bearing in the long run. To promote growth, policymakers should continue to pursue policies that ensure price stability.• The paper investigated the impact of inflation and inflation uncertainty on economic growth in South Africa covering the period 1961Q1 to 2019Q4.• Using the autoregressive distributed lag estimation techniques, the paper found that inflation harms economic growth in both the short- and long-run in South Africa while inflation uncertainty is a short-run phenomenon as it affects economic growth only in the short run,• Interestingly, after adoption of inflation targeting, inflation uncertainty lost it relevance as a factor determining economic growth in South Africa.Graphical abstractDisplay Omitted