摘要:AbstractThis paper outlines Representation-Influence Framework (RIF) for analyzing the roles of organized interest groups (OIGs) in environmental governance. This framework is created to check OIG claims as representatives of particular groups within society, to capture OIG diversity, including those acting beyond the pursuit of common interests. The development of this framework used two basic OIG roles—the extent of OIGs in representing group interests and exerting political influence on governments. This framework proposes three main categories of OIGs based on their claims as representatives of particular social groups, en route to fulfilling the claims, breaking the claims, and opposing the claims. Finally, this framework is able to present types of OIGs in environmental governance.•RIF is an applicable framework for analyzing the roles of organized interest groups•This framework proposes categories and types of OIGs based on the extent of their role-fulfillment in representing particular groups within society and exerting political influence on governments•This framework captures the actions of OIGs beyond the pursuit of common interestsGraphical abstractDisplay Omitted