摘要:Carbon and nitrogen are stoichiometrically linked in soil organic matter to influence ecosystem services. The objective of our study was to determine the impact of Red pine (Pinus brutia Ten.) and Oak (Quercus coccifera) forest vegetation on soil aggre- gate protected carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry inthe Góksu catchment of Turkey. Soils were collected form two randomly selected composite sampling sites under the cover of about 100 years old Red pine (RPI, RP2) and Oak (Ok1, Ok2) natural forests. Soils were air-dried, fractionated into different ag- gregate sizes (>2 mm, <2 mm, and 2 to 0.25 to 0.25to 0.05 mm separately), and analysed for total or- ganic C (SOC) and N (TN) contents. The highest SOC and TN content was determined in the Ah hori- zons of profile RPI, RP2 and Okl and the Al horizon of profile Ok2. The <2 mm aggregates containhigher SOC and TN contents than the >2 mm aggre- gates in the Bw horizons of all the four soil profiles. The 0.25 to 0.05 mm aggregates had higher contentsof SOC and TN than that of the 2 to 0.25 mm aggre- gates in the Bw horizon of all the soil profiles.
关键词:Natural forest;soil aggregates;Ah and Bw horizons Tur-