摘要:Foliar application of boron plays an important role in the enhancing of growth and yield of wheat. This study was conducted in the field with consecu- tive two years (2017-2018) to examine foliar boron fertilization to improve grain yield and grain quality in eastern Mediterranean conditions. The experimentwas arranged splits-plots design with three repli- cates. In wheat production, it was determined that boron application increases the grain yield as well as B. Ca and Fe content in the grain. Our results indi-cated that boron application produces a positive im- pact on wheat growth and productivity in the years with little rainfall. The control treatment (no B appli- cation) produced the lowest grain yield which was significantly lower than the yield observed with thesoil treatment. Boron application improved an effec- tive way in wheat and improvement in nutritive val- ues by B application.