摘要:Mushroom cultivation is a valuable method for bio-conservation in the agriculture trade. For thequality production of mushrooms, we used the agri- cultural waste material as a substrate, and after har- vesting, this substrate is obtainable as an excellent soil conditioner. In this study, we used the sawdustof simbal tree (Bombax ceiba L.), office scrap paper and poultry manure as a substrate to cultivate thePleurotus sapidus (oyster mushroom). Data recorded from inoculation of spawn to the harvesting of fruit-ing bodies by using different parameters. The results revealed that the Treatment-T4 (sawdust of simbaltree 50% + poultry manure 50%) required the least number of days for spawn-running, development of pinhead and fruiting bodies, produced maximum number of fruiting bodies, maximum yield and high- est biological efficacy. The Treatment-T5 (office scrap paper 50% + poultry manure 50%) took the maximum number of days for spawn-running, devel- opment of pinhead and fruiting bodies, produced least number of fruiting bodies, minimum yield, and lowest biological efficacy. Therefore, the cultivation of mushrooms is an excellent or environment- friendly technique because the substrate that used for mushroom cultivation is economical and readily available.