摘要:Using inverse modeling to determine soil hy- draulic properties has become increasingly popular in the last few decades, enabling investigators to ob- tain more accurate estimates of soil hydraulic param- eters compared to laboratory methods. A field exper- iment study was conducted to estimate the soil hy- draulic parameters and investigate some scenarios during the optimization process using an inverse so- lution in HYDRUS-ID software to simulate the wa- ter flow in bare soil. Twelve scenarios were studied at four depths of the simulation domain and three simulation periods. Statistical indices were used tojudge the optimization process accuracy for all sce-narios. The results showed that the use of field ex- periments (internal drainage method) to determine soil hydraulic parameters via an inverse solution in HYDRUS software is rather easy, low-cost, and ac- curate enough for non-academic purposes, such as irrigation water management that does not require a high accuracy. However, the inverse solutionmethod had a better performance than the RO- SETTA method in terms of the soil hydraulic param- eter estimation. The optimization period of 25 days at a soil depth of 1 m or so is appropriate to obtain a better accuracy of the estimated soil hydraulic pa- rameters.