摘要:In this study, 199 skin scraping and hair sam- ples from calves (aged 3 to 7 months) with clinical complaints of dermatophytosis were subjected to conventional microbiological methods for agent spe- cific isolation and identification. Samples were ini- tially examined with 20% potassium hydroxide un- der the microscope and subsequently cultured at D.T. MAgar media. The identification of species wasdone with special references to etiologic dermato- phytes. As the result of direct microscopy, 176 (88.44%) samples were found positive in terms ofdermatophytes. As far as cultural examination of samples 172 (86.43%) vielded culture positive re- sults. Among these Trichophyton verrucosum was the predominant (75%) species. The remaining was identified as Epidermophyton floccosum (8.72%). Microsporum nanum (5.81%). Trichophton men- tagrophytes (5.23%), Trichophyton equinum (0.58%) and Microsporum spp. (0.58%). Furthermore, T. ver- rucosum and M. nanum were simultaneously charac- terized in three samples, T. verrucosum and T men- tagrophytes in one sample, T. verrucosum and E. floccosum in one sample, E. foccosum and M. nanum in one sample and T verrucosum, T. men- tagrophytes and M. nanum in one sample. This study highlights the etiologic agents of calf dermatophyto- sis and a multifactorial agent portrait has emerged. Detailed studies for the prevalence of dermatophyto- sis will promote further postulations for the potentialreasons for the high morbidity of this infection in the region.