摘要:Use the ICM model as a tool to investigate, an- alyze and summarize the basic data of the sewage system to form a sewage system database to con- struct the sewage pipe network model topology. Usethe model checking tool to check and carry out the error data in the pipe network during the model building process. The second re-survey makes the to- pology of the model more accurate. Determine the relevant parameters of the model through on-site in- vestigations, query relevant information and relevant literature, use the basic data provided by relevant de- partments to set the flow process line and delimit the population of the catchment area, and use the meas-ured daily cumulative flow data of the pumping sta- tion and the sewage treatment plant. The average value of the influent water quality index is used to calibrate and check the model, and build a crediblehydraulic model and water quality model of the sew- age pipe network. The checked sewage pipe network model is used to evaluate the current status of the sewage system. The current water delivery capacity of the pipe network is analyzed from the three per- spectives of pipeline overload status, flow rate, and pump station operating status. The pipeline is at full load or even Overload operation, the current operat- ing state is poor. A simulation comparison of differ- ent sediment depths shows that the clogging seri- ously affects the water delivery capacity and regula- tion and storage capacity of the pipeline network.