摘要:This study was carried out to reveal the prob- lems related to organic production model, to deter- mine the tendency to continue organic production, and to evaluate the support of Organic Fruit Produc- ers Union using the experience and thoughts of the producers organized under the umbrella of the Or- ganic Fruit Producers Union in Niksar district of To- kat province, Turkey. The main material of the study was the survey data conducted with the members of Niksar Organic Fruit Producers Union. The samplevolume of the research was 123 producers, corre- sponding to 50% ofthe active members in 2017. The data were interpreted through the percentage distri- bution, mean, minimum and maximum values. Lik- ert scale was used to evaluate the support of the Un-ion to the producers. The results indicated that pro- ducers have a high tendency to continue with the or- ganic production system. Despite the challenges of the organic system compared to the conventional production, the producers reported that the products are sold at a better price, the customers are willing to purchase the organic products, and the organic sys-tem is more profitable compared to the conventional production. The results revealed that the support of the Union to the producers is not very strong.
关键词:Production of organic fruit;Niksar;Producer onion;Or-
ganic product;Organic farming