摘要:In order to evaluate intraspecific variations re- lated to nutritional and organoleptic traits in 30 ex- otic potato genotypes, multivariate principal compo- nent (PC) analysis was applied. The outcomes showed that first three components explained 33.9% of the total variability among genotypes for selected traits. The first PCI exhibited 20% of the variability. which was mainly due to specific gravity, total sugar, reducing and non-reducing sugar, sodium, cardiac glycoside, saponin, moisture percentage and crude ether extract. The second principal component (PC2) revealed 13.9% variation among genotypes because of positive effect of crude fiber, potassium, ash con- tent and flavanoids. All 30 potato genotypes were grouped into 8 main groups using hierarchical clus- ter analysis on the basis of nutritional traits. CIPI0. CIP29, CIP30, CIP31, CIP32, CIP33 and CIP 34 possessed more dry matter contents and acceptable range of reducing and non-reducing sugars. The pro-cessing industries of potato largely reliant on the qualitative traits of tubers consumers/customers de- mand adequate taste, flavor, color and nutrient qual- ity. Potato genotypes were screened for French fries and crisps. The results revealed that for French fries CIP-28 and CIP-18 genotypes showed good color flavor, taste, texture and overall acceptability of French fries, while the CIP-3, CIP-10 and CIP-34 genotypes showed poor sensory traits. In crisps, CIP. 5, CIP-18, CIP-20 and CIP-28 genotypes gave the suitable color, flavor, taste, texture and overall ac- ceptability of fried chips. This screening would be helpful to the ongoing efforts to select the best gen- otype for the emerging processing industry of Paki- stan. The aforementioned genotypes may be helpful to the ongoing efforts to choose the best genotypes for rising processing industry of Pakistan.