摘要:In order to determine the optimal provenance of Juglans mandshurica, the selection criteria of supe- rior trees suitable for J. mandshurica wood purpose forest in Liaoning region were formulated. In this pa- per, the absolute growth method was used to select superior trees from six provenances of J. mands- hurica natural forests distributed along Changbai mountain range in eastern Liaoning. The quantitativecharacteristics of the candidate superior trees were measured and the correlation between the growth of J. mandshurica from different provenances and en- vironmental factors was analvzed. The results indi- cated that: (1) the tree age of.J. mandshurica natural forest was estimated to be 30-80a by using the outer 7 cm, and the tree age was divided into 5 age classes the quantitative indexes of different age classes were determined by taking the average annual growth ofthe tree height (H) and diameter at breast height (DBH) plus half of its standard deviation as the base- line standard to select 24 superior trees; A scoring method was used to select the selected superior trees, and 14 superior trees were finally selected, with a se- lection rate of 6.93%. Among the six provenances of . J. mandshurica, the highest selection rate of Qing- yuan superior trees was 11.43%, which was the bestprovenance. While, Dandong did not select superior trees. (2) Xinbin provenance has the largest annual growth of H and DBH, Qingyuan provenance has the largest average of H, DBH, height under living branches, central diameter and crown width from north to south. Slope was significantly positively correlated with height under living branches, but not with DBH and tree height. The tree height of JJ mandshurica at different slopes was significantly different, and the tree height and overall growth at the middle slope position were better. The central di- ameter of different slope and direction was signifi- cantly different, and the central diameter and overall growth of the southern slope were better. (3) The av- erage annual temperature in environmental factors has a very significant negative correlation with tree height and a significant negative correlation with height under living branches. The average annual precipitation has a significant negative correlation with DBH. The highest air temperature has a verysignificant negative correlation with the annual growth of DBH and a significant negative correla- tion with the height-diameter ratio. The selection rate of J. mandshurica superior trees was significantlynegatively correlated with the average annual tem- perature of the seed source. The results of this study are of practical significance for further understand- ng the variation law of J. mandshurica geographic provenance and rational utilization of precious re- sources of.J. mandshurica, accelerating the construc- tion of ecological environment and breeding fine va- rieties of high-quality timber species.
关键词:Juglans mandshurica;Selection of superior trees;Environmental conditions;Growth