摘要:Wet olive pulp (WOP) was used as a comple- ment to the forage at the lamb fattening. Experi- mental groups were determined according to thefarm conditions. WOP groups were formed by re- placing wheat straw in the total mixed ratio (TMR). As a control group and experimental group, 70 days of study were completed with 14 female lambs. 1-Control, (80% concentrate + 20% wheat straw), 2- WOP groups (80% concentrate + 10% straw and 10% WOP). In this study, blood samples were taken twice from the animals in the last week. The effect of WOP on blood values were also been examined on automatic analyzer. In the first week, the gain oflive weight and the rate of feed utilization were ad- versely affected by WOP. But there was no signifi- cant difference in performance values in terms of mean values throughout the study (P>0.05). When the results of analysis of blood samples were exam- ined, blood urea levels were lower in WOP groups. This result was evaluated positively in terms of ni-trogen retention in the body. These results were re- garded as important in terms of the faster evaluation of WOP. However, it was stated that it should not be used more than 10% in the total ratio.