摘要:Entomopathogenic bacteria and their culture filtrates have substantial traits that mark them excel- lent biocontrol agents against root knot nematodes as a surrogate to chemical nematicides. These bacteria are involved in direct suppression of plant parasitic nematodes and facilitate the activity of microbial an-tagonists. Shelflife investigation for the pathogenic- ity of entomopathogenic bacteria (Photorhabdus spp., Xenorhabdus spp.), isolated from Heterohabdi- tis bacteriophora and Steinernema asiaticum and their culture filtrate were performed for the storage time of two, three, four and five months against Meloidogyne incognita. Current study was con- ducted in completly randomized design (CRD) under factorial arrangements with five replications. The re- sults revealed that Xenorhabdus spp. (toxins) signif- icantly reduced the number of females, number of galls and reproduction potential as compared to other used treatments, whereas, egg masses and root weight was significantly reduced in case of Xenorhabdus spp. (bacteria) applied after 2 months of storage time. In crux, results of given study exhib- ited that Xenorhabdus spp. with its used forms (toxin and bacteria) can prevent the impact of root knot nematodes and remain viable after 2-5 months of storage time.