摘要:In this study,it was aimed to determine the po-tential toxic effect of organophosphate dichlorvos applications, which is used as a broad spectrum in-secticide in agricultural activities through food chain and the protection of vitamin E against it. In this study,40 Spraque Dawley male rats were used. The corn oil was given intragastrically as 5 ml kg-1. In the second group,5 mg kg-1 dose of dichlorvos was applied intragastrically after dissolving in corn oil. The third group,120 mg kg-1 vitamin E application was started intragastrically by starting three days be-fore the application of dichlorvos, and the following days were applied in the same way at 5 mg kg-1 doses after 1 hour vit-E application.In the last group, vit-E was given intragastrically at a dose of only 120 mg kg-1. Histological examination ofrenal tissue re-vealed normal structures in control and Vitamin-E groups,whereas glomerular atrophy, inflammatory cell infiltrations and tubular degeneration areas were observed in the dichlorvos group. Vit-E in combina-tion with dichlorvos decreased the severity of the le-sions. PON and HDL levels were decreased com-pared to the control group and increased in MDA and NO levels due to toxicity caused by inflammation in the dichlorvos group. When Dichlorvos and vit-E were applied together, PON and HDL levels were in-creased and MDA and NO levels were decreased when compared to only dichlorvos group. It has been concluded that vit-E supplementation would be ben-eficialin addition to routine medical treatment in liv-ing beings exposed to dichlorvos poisoning.