摘要:A field experiment was conducted during the two successive seasons of 2017/2018 and2018/2019 to investigate the concert of different eleven flax strain and one local cultivar. The experimental de-sign was a randomized complete block with four rep-lications. The preceding crop was maize in both growing seasons. The results showed that there are high significant differences between the different strain of flax in the straw crop and the traits related to it in terms of effective stem length,diameter of the stems, fruiting zone length, straw yield per plant and ha.,plant height and seed index and yield character-istics, as well as crop characteristics such as the fruit-ing zone, number of capsules/plant, number of seeds /capsule, seed yield/plant seed yield/ha, and seed in-dex. Significant differences were found in the seeds chemical composition and their vitality in terms of the percentage of germination and seed vigor index, the quality and viability of the seeds, protein %, ash%,oil%,carbohydrate, free fatty acids,acid value and acidity%.From the previous results, it is recom-mended to use the variety Sakha 2, S.806/1/1, S.402/3/3/7 and S.865/5/1 for producing highest seed yield and its components and S.865/5/1 while. S.402/3/3/7 to produce highest viability and S.402/21/19/10to produce the highest oil percentage.