摘要:As primary productivity plays an important role in the accumulation of organic matter in source rocks, its research has great significance in reveal-ing the formation mechanism of source rocks. Re-searchers used biomarker parameters such as 4-methylsterane/EC29 sterane, C27 sterane/C29 sterane, C2s sterane/C2 sterane, and Sterane/Hopane to evaluate the paleoproductivity of the Bozhong sub-basin.Bohai Bay Basin.After discussing the unrea-sonableness of using the above biomarker parame-ters to evaluate paleoproductivity, this article points out that the ratios of the abundance of biomarkers are significant in showing the relative proportion of different parent material sources indicated by dif-ferent biomarkers, the evaluation of paleoproductiv-ity with which is inconsistent with the definition of primary productivity. Moreover, the ratios of the abundance of biomarkers fail to take into account the time attribute in the definition of primary productivity,and therefore cannot reflect the dilu-tion effect of formation sedimentation rates on organic matter. The source rocks of Ed3, Es, and Es of the Bozhong sub-basin are studied, and a method is proposed for evaluating paleoproductivi-ty by combining the abundance of biomarkers and formation sedimentation rates. With the method, it concludes that the paleoproductivity of Es; is the highest, followed by Es, and Ed; in the Bozhong sub-basin.
关键词:Primary productivity evaluation;Biomarker;Sedimenta-tion rate;Bohai Bay Basin;Bozhong sub-basin