摘要:This study examined the occurrence of meteotsunamis inthe eastern Yellow Sea and the conceptual framework of a monitoring/warningsystem. Using 1 min intervals of mean-sea-level pressure and sea-levelobservations from 89 meteorological stations and 16 tide gauges between 2010and 2019, a total of 42 pressure-forced meteotsunami events were classified.Most meteotsunamis (71 %) displayed a distinct seasonal pattern occurringfrom March to June, and intense meteotsunamis typically occurred at harbortide gauges. The occurrence characteristics of the meteotsunamis wereexamined to improve the meteotsunami monitoring/warning system. Air pressuredisturbances with speeds of 11–26 m s−1 and NNW–SW directions were conducive to meteotsunami generation. Most meteotsunamis (88 %), as well as strongmeteotsunamis with a wave height exceeding 40 cm (19 %), had dominantperiod bands of less than 30 min, containing the resonant periods of harborsin the eastern Yellow Sea. Thus, the eastern Yellow Sea is a harbor-meteotsunami-dominated environment, characterized by frequent meteotsunamioccurrences and local amplification in multiple harbors. This study canprovide practical guidance on operation periods, potential hot spots, andrisk levels to monitoring/warning system operators in the eastern YellowSea.