标题:Olea europea L. Leaves and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Petals Extracts: Herbal Mix from Cardiovascular Network Target to Gut Motility Dysfunction Application
摘要:It is well known that diet and nutrition play a critical role in the etiopathogenesis of many disorders. On the other hand, nutrients or bioactive compounds can specifically target and control various aspects of the mechanism underlying the pathology itself, and, in this context, diseases related to intestinal motility disorders stand out. The Herbal Mix (HM) consisting of
Olea europea L. leaf (OEE) and
Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (HSE) extracts (13:2) has been proven to be a promising nutraceutical option for many diseases, but its potential in inflammatory-driven gastrointestinal disorders is still unexplored. In this study, HM effects on guinea-pig ileum and colon contractility (induced or spontaneous) and on human iNOS activity, as well as on human colorectal adenocarcinoma Caco-2 cells, were studied. Results showed that the HM can control the ileum and colon contractility without blocking the progression of the food bolus, can selectively inhibit iNOS and possesses a strong pro-apoptotic activity towards Caco-2 cells. In conclusion, the present results suggest that, in some diseases, such as those related to motility disorders, an appropriate nutritional approach can be accompanied by a correct use of nutraceuticals that could help not only in ameliorating the symptoms but also in preventing more severe, cancer-related conditions.
关键词:enOlea europeaL. leaves extractHibiscus sabdariffaL. calyces extractileum and colon contractilityhuman iNOS (target) and eNOShuman colorectal adenocarcinoma