摘要:Euro-BioImaging ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) is a European, publicly funded, nonprofit research infrastructure (https://www.eurobioimaging.eu/). Our mission is to provide open access tobiologicalandbiomedicalimagingtechnologies,training,andimagedataservicestoallresearchers,regard- less of research interest or affiliation, in both academia and industry. To achieve this, we bring together 137 of the most prestigious imaging facilities (status December 2021), employing 500+ imaging specialists, which maketheirservices,technologies,andexpertiseavailabletoourusers.Thesefacilities,groupedtogetherinen- tities called Nodes, are based across 16 member states in Europe and the European Molecular BioIogy Labo- ratory(EMBL)andofferaround50differentimagingtechnologies,bothforbiologicalandbiomedicalimaging. Each facility has a highly unique profile, not only in imaging technology, but also in surrounding infrastructure andmultidisciplinaryresearchenvironment.Allhavedemonstratedtheirscientificandtechnicalexcellenceand commitmenttouserserviceinastringentevaluationbytheScientificAdvisoryBoardofEuro-BioImaging.Inthis Backstory, we explain the motivation behind forming an interdisciplinary research infrastructure like Euro- BioImaging, challenges that we faced along implementation, and explain how such an infrastructure can create opportunities to bring together communities in support of excellent research (Figure 1).