期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:The problem of increasing the quality of women’s headdresses by designing an energyefficient technology of their shaping and fixing the shape in the medium of chemical dressings was studied, which makes it possible to obtain the parts of volumetric shape made of fabrics without breaking up.As a result of analytical and experimental research, the selection of a liquidactive working medium was substantiated for the implementation of the process of shaping, which is a designed dressing of the following composition: 50–60 g/l lakriteks, 50–60 g/l of carbamol CES, 1–2 g/l ammonium chloride;A vibration method was designed, which has three implementation variants and an installation for the vibroshaping and fixing the shape of parts of headdresses in the medium LAWM. As a result of the research of the efficiency of the method, we received graphical dependencies of the quality of a part on the input parameters that are described mathematically. The main rational parameters of the process of shaping arise from these dependencies: the frequency of vibration v=4.8 Hz, the amplitude of vibration А=2.3 mm, increase in pressure ΔР=0.17 MPa, the period of the air supply to the chamber of a pneumatic drive Т=3/5 halfperiod.The headdress head, shaped under these parameters, displays high quality of this part (Кs≤0,28). The designed method allows exploring the process of shaping and fixing the shape in one cycle of treatment that provides increase in labour productivity by 12.7 % and reduction of energy costs by 49 %; the assessment of the process of fixing the shape was performed by the indicator of the number of created crosslinks. Shaped heads and women’s headdress were manufactured by the designed method.
关键词:shaping;headdresses parts;matrix;vibration method;liquid-active working medium;base pressure;frequency;amplitude;time of shaping;dressing