期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:Loading conditions for construction machines at bench tests were substantiated. Adequacy of loading conditions at bench tests and of the loads acting on construction machines in actual operating conditions was substantiated.When releasing each machine from the manufacturer's enterprise, it is subjected to tests. Most often, these tests are carried out on specially equipped test sites. Their use requires large financial and time inputs: delivery of the machine, washing and cleaning from dirt after testing, fee to operators. More accurate results are obtained with bench tests at operational loading conditions. Shortening of such test duration is achieved by reducing the work interruptions and improving the shift planning. Except tests for permanent loading, it is expedient to test construction machines and their work elements for impact loads.This study has established necessity of adherence to the following test conditions: the assembly under study should not approach resonance; the effect of frequencies of the repeated variable loading on the fatigue destruction process should be insignificant. Compliance with these conditions makes it possible to use the mathematical apparatus given in the paper for calculation of endurance at various loading parameters and simulation of various machine operation conditions.The procedure developed in this work makes it possible to save not only time and money. In manufacture, it shortens design of construction machines and ensures identification of assemblies that reduce reliability or require longer life. This results in a smaller metal consumption or improved quality of the machine. In the mass production, it enables conduction of periodic accelerated qualitative tests of the machine, determination of modernization efficiency, creation of new designs of the bench for testing construction machines. In the process of machine operation, it helps to reduce loads on the machine structures and improve reliability and durability.
关键词:accelerated bench tests;random loads;hypothesis of spectral summation;chassis