期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:The bearing structure of a covered rail wagon has been improved to enable firing from it at motion. The covered wagon of model 11–217 was chosen as a prototype. To enable firing in the vertical plane, it has been proposed to use a sliding roof, which consists of shutters that move by means of a pneumatic or hydraulic drive. To accommodate military equipment inside the covered wagon, its frame is equipped with supporting sectors.Mathematical modeling was performed in order to determine the dynamic load on a covered rail wagon when firing from it. The mathematical model was solved in the Mathcad software package. We have established the dependence of the accelerations of the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon on the recoil force induced by the combat equipment that it hosts. It has been found that in order to maintain the dynamics indicators within acceptable limits, combat equipment should have a maximum recoil at a shot of about 3.2?kN. The maximum accelerations that act on the bearing structure of a covered wagon in a vertical plane are about 6?m/s2. In the zones of interaction between the body and bogies, the maximum accelerations are about 9.5?m/s2 and the accelerations of bogies are 10?m/s2. To reduce the dynamic load on the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon, it has been proposed to use a viscous connection between the supporting sectors and frame. We have determined the dependence of accelerations on the coefficient of viscous resistance between the supporting sectors and the bearing structure of a wagon. It has been established that taking into consideration the use of a viscous connection between the supporting sectors and frame makes it possible to reduce the dynamic load on a wagon at least by 15?%. The basic indicators of strength for the bearing structure of a covered rail wagon when firing from it have been determined. We have derived the dependence of the maximum equivalent stresses in the bearing structure of a covered wagon on the recoil force of combat equipment. The maximum equivalent stresses at a recoil force of 3.2?kN arise in the console part of the girder of a covered wagon and are about 300?MPa. The maximum displacements were registered in the area where the front stops of the auto-coupling are arranged; they are equal to 2.9?mm. The maximum deformations amounted to 6.98?10-3.Modal analysis of the bearing structures of a covered rail wagon has been carried out. It has been determined that the values of the oscillation natural frequencies are within the permissible limits.Our study will contribute to the construction of innovative rolling stock for the transportation of military equipment and for firing at motion.