期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:Authors studied comprehensive influence of the processes of non–fermentative catalysis – cryomechanolysis and freezing of solid rennet cheeses during their preparation for melting, which leads to the cryodestruction of low–soluble paracaseinatcalciumphosphate nanocomplexes into soluble gel form. It was established that there occurs their cryodestruction and transformation of their significant part to the nanoform (by 45…55 %). A nanotechnology of healthy processed cheese products was developed. Mechanisms of the processes were revealed. It was established that during freezing and finely dispersed grinding of solid rennet cheeses before melting, there occurs cryomechanodestruction and non–fermentative cryocatalysis (destruction) of protein molecules to separate monomers – α–amino acids by 55… 60 %, that is a significant part of amino acid is transformed from the bound state to the free soluble form. A mechanism of the process was revealed; it was shown that in parallel with the destruction of nanocomplexes, nanoassociants of protein, its conformational changes take place: erasing molecules, decreasing in volume, shape, the ratio of hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups in a molecule, and filling the nucleus of a molecule with hydrophobic residues.Authors proposed and developed the cryogenic nanotechnology of manufacturing processed cheese products based on solid rennet cheeses without melting salts, which includes an integrated influence of freezing and finely dispersed grinding, non–fermentative catalysis. It was established that cheese products, produced by the nanotechnology (fillings for confectionery products "PanCake", dressing sauces, dipping sauces, ball shaped snacks) and enriched with herbal additives, exceed the known analogs in chemical composition. In addition, a large part of substances (as BAS and biopolymers) in cheese products is in the nanostructured form (55...60 % of protein) in the form of free amino acids.New technologies of healthy processed cheese products have been tested under production conditions at a number of the Ukrainian enterprises (TOV VKG "Lisova kazka", NVP "FIPAR", NVP "KRIAS–1"). The regulatory documentation (TU, TI for "cheese and vegetable fillings for confectionery products "PanCake" and "cheese dressing sauces") was developed and approved.
关键词:non-fermentative catalysis;mechanolysis;freezing;low temperature grinding;hard rennet cheese;nanocomplexes;processed cheese products