期刊名称:Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies
出版社:PC Technology Center
摘要:We proposed a technique for the operational control over the acidity of soils under field conditions using the admittance method.The paper highlights results of research into experimental frequency dependences of the admittance parameters on the level of acidity of different types of soils, in particular: black soil, loamy and sandy soils. The experimental data covered soils with acidity from 4.8 to 8.5 pH, frequency of the test signals varied from 0.05 kHz to 100 kHz. Based on the analysis of these experimental data, it was found that it is expedient to use the value of the active component of admittance as the informative parameter for the assessment of soil acidity using the admittance method. To confirm this, we obtained mathematical model, which with sufficient accuracy describe dependence of the active component of admittance on the soil acidity and frequency of the test signal. These analytical dependences take the form of polynomials of the corresponding order. Based on this, mathematical models were constructed that reflect the assessment of acidity for different types of soil depending on the value of the active component of admittance and frequency of the test signal. An application of the obtained models provides for the possibility of organizing operational control over the acidity of soils under field conditions with the use of admittance mapping. The arrangement of such a control over the acidity of soils will contribute to an increase in performance efficiency of the information systems for monitoring conditions of soils.
关键词:acidity of soils;admittance mapping;uniform approximation of functions;the method of least squares