期刊名称:Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
出版社:The National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
The role of chlorine and bromine in Antarctic stratospheric ozone depletion is well known. However, the contribution of iodine to the ozone hole chemistry has not been assessed, mainly due to the negligible amounts of iodine previously reported to enter the stratosphere. New measurements demonstrate that the injection of iodine to the lower stratosphere is higher than previously assumed. Based on these observations, our modeling work shows that iodine chemistry can enhance spring ozone loss at the lower part of the Antarctic ozone hole, and even dominate the halogen-mediated ozone loss during summer. Iodine can also alter, by several days, the timing of the seasonal formation and closure of the ozone hole.
The catalytic depletion of Antarctic stratospheric ozone is linked to anthropogenic emissions of chlorine and bromine. Despite its larger ozone-depleting efficiency, the contribution of ocean-emitted iodine to ozone hole chemistry has not been evaluated, due to the negligible iodine levels previously reported to reach the stratosphere. Based on the recently observed range (0.77 ± 0.1 parts per trillion by volume [pptv]) of stratospheric iodine injection, we use the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model to assess the role of iodine in the formation and recent past evolution of the Antarctic ozone hole. Our 1980–2015 simulations indicate that iodine can significantly impact the lower part of the Antarctic ozone hole, contributing, on average, 10% of the lower stratospheric ozone loss during spring (up to 4.2% of the total stratospheric column). We find that the inclusion of iodine advances the beginning and delays the closure stages of the ozone hole by 3 d to 5 d, increasing its area and mass deficit by 11% and 20%, respectively. Despite being present in much smaller amounts, and due to faster gas-phase photochemical reactivation, iodine can dominate (∼73%) the halogen-mediated lower stratospheric ozone loss during summer and early fall, when the heterogeneous reactivation of inorganic chlorine and bromine reservoirs is reduced. The stratospheric ozone destruction caused by 0.77 pptv of iodine over Antarctica is equivalent to that of 3.1 (4.6) pptv of biogenic very short-lived bromocarbons during spring (rest of sunlit period). The relative contribution of iodine to future stratospheric ozone loss is likely to increase as anthropogenic chlorine and bromine emissions decline following the Montreal Protocol.