摘要:Background: Leptospirosis is a health problem that causes death in Indonesia. In 2017, Boyolali District was reported that the number of leptospirosis cases reached 40.62 per 100,000 population with a CFR of 23.52%. The determination of risk factors and
Leptospira bacteria's presence in the body of water plays an essential role in the transmission of leptospirosis.
Design and methods: This study aims to determine the risk factors and
Leptospira bacteria's presence in water bodies in Boyolali District. This research is descriptive research with a survey method using a cross-sectional design and an analytical study using an observational method with a case-control approach. The sample was 100 water samples from wells, rivers, and paddy fields in endemic and non-endemic areas of leptospirosis. This study's population was 34 people with leptospirosis in Boyolali Regency in January 2017 - August 2018.
Results: There was a significant relationship between leptospirosis incidence in the Boyolali Regency with garbage, the pet presence, a history of injuries, and field activity.
Leptospira bacteria are found in rivers (18.18%) and rice fields (6.67%), while in sub-districts with cases occur almost every year.
Leptospira are found in wells (18.18%) and rice fields (6.67%).
Conclusions: People should pay more attention to home sanitation and the surrounding environment to avoid leptospirosis.
Significance for public health
Leptospirosis is one of the zoonoses that is still causing death in Indonesia. In its development, leptospirosis does occur in developing countries and developed countries, with the contributing factor, is human trafficking. Analysis of various risk factors and the presence of Leptospira bacteria are essential in the transmission of leptospirosis. Research shows that activity rice fields activity, history of wounds, garbage, and pets are associated with leptospirosis incidence. Researchers found the presence of Leptospira bacteria in rivers, rice fields, and wells.