摘要:The use of casein glycomacropeptide (CGMP) as a protein substitute in phenylketonuria (PKU) has grown in popularity. CGMP is derived from κ casein and is a sialic-rich glycophosphopeptide, formed by the action of chymosin during the production of cheese. It comprises 20–25% of total protein in whey products and has key biomodulatory properties. In PKU, the amino acid sequence of CGMP has been adapted by adding the amino acids histidine, leucine, methionine, tyrosine and tryptophan naturally low in CGMP. The use of CGMP compared to mono amino acids (L-AAs) as a protein substitute in the treatment of PKU promises several potential clinical benefits, although any advantage is supported only by evidence from non-PKU conditions or PKU animal models. This review examines if there is sufficient evidence to support the bioactive properties of CGMP leading to physiological benefits when compared to L-AAs in PKU, with a focus on blood phenylalanine control and stability, body composition, growth, bone density, breath odour and palatability.