摘要:A research was conducted to investigate the effects of vaccination protocols for Infectious Bronchitis (IB) on egg production, egg quality, and IB antibody titres of laying hens. Different initial vaccination (Control, VicS eye, VicS spray, VicS water, A3 eye, A3 spray, and A3 water) for IB were administered to day-old Isa Brown hens. Half the hens were revaccinated regularly during lay whereas the other hens were not vaccinated. Results showed that initial vaccination treatment had significant effects on hen day egg production and egg quality of egg weight, shell reflectivity, shell breaking strength, shell thickness, albumen height, Haugh Units, and IB antibody titre levels, but had no effect on percentage of shell and yolk colour. Egg weight and shell reflectivity were less favourable in the control hens. In contrast, shell breaking strength and shell thickness were highest for the group that initially received A3 vaccine in water. However, regular revaccination had some deleterious effects on egg production and egg quality. There were no significant effects of revaccination on IB antibody titres. It is concluded that there was little advantage in regularly revaccinating laying hens for IB virus, since they had received appropriate initial vaccination.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh pengaturan vaksinasi infectious bronchitis (IB) terhadap produksi telur, kualitas telur, dan tingkat antibodi IB. Perlakuan vaksinasi IB yang berbeda (kontrol, VicS mata, VicS spray, VicS air, A3 mata, A3 spray, and A3 air) diberikan pada ayam Isa Brown berumur satu hari. Setengah dari jumlah ayam divaksinasi kembali secara rutin pada umur 22, 30, 38, 46 and 54 minggu, sedangkan sisanya tidak divaksinasi. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan vaksinasi memiliki pengaruh nyata terhadap produksi telur dan kualitas telur (berat telur, refl ekitivitas cangkang, kekuatan cangkang, ketebalan cangkang, berat albumen, Haugh Units), dan tingkat antibodi IB, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap persentase cangkang dan warna kuning telur. Berat telur dan refl ektivitas cangkang kurang baik pada kontrol. Sebaliknya, kekuatan dan ketebalan cangkang pada kelompok yang diberi vaksin A3 pada air minum memiliki nilai tertinggi. Revaksinasi secara reguler memiliki efek yang mengganggu produksi dan kualitas telur, tetapi tidak berpengaruh nyata terhadap tingkat antibodi IB. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa revaksinasi virus IB secara reguler hanya memberikan keuntungan yang sedikit, jika ayam telah memperoleh vaksinasi awal yang tepat.