摘要:An experiment was conducted to determine the efficacy of bio additive administration (a mixture of Lumbricus rubellus extract, Morinda citrifolia leaves extract and lactic acid bacteria), probiotic, and antibiotic to the performance and meat quality of broiler infected with Avian Pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). In this study, 140 Jumbo 747 unsexed one-day old chicks were distributed randomly into 20 units of cages, each filled with 7 broilers. Twenty cages were assigned into 5 treatment groups, each treatment in 4 equal replicates. The treatments were as follows: A= E. coli infection (positive control), B= E. coli infection + bio additive, C= E. coli infection + probiotic, D= E. coli infection + antibiotic, E= No E. coli infection (negative control). A commercial corn-soybean-based broiler diet was formulated as the basal diets. The experimental period was 35 d and at 21st d of age the broilers were infected with E. coli except the E treatment. The result showed that bio additive administration (B) increased the final body weight (1,659.52 g) and body weight gain (1,616.81 g) and resulted in less FCR (1.87) among other treatments. The lowest mortality rate was recorded in B treatment (3.57%) and D treatment (3.57%). Probiotic (C treatment) and antibiotic (D treatment) decreased (P < 0.05) meat pH and tenderness compared to other treatments. Meanwhile bio additive administration did not affect the meat quality (pH, cooking loss, water-holding capacity, tenderness, and fat) compared to positive and negative controls. The lowest meat cholesterol content was observed in B treatment (54.02 mg/100 g). It is concluded that bio additive administration on broiler infected with E. coli increased the broiler performance and decreased the meat cholesterol compared to other treatments.
其他摘要:Penelitian dilakukan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pemberian bio aditif (campuran ekstrak cacing tanah Lumbricus rubellus, ekstrak daun mengkudu Morinda citrifolia dan bakteri asam laktat), probiotik, dan antibiotik terhadap performa dan kualitas daging ayam broiler yang diinfeksi avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC). Sebanyak 140 ekor DOC 747 Jumbo didistribusikan secara acak ke dalam 20 unit kandang, masing-masing diisi dengan 7 ekor ayam. Dua puluh kandang tersebut dibagi ke dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan, tiap perlakuan terdiri atas 4 ulangan. Kelompok perlakuan terdiri atas perlakuan A= infeksi E. coli (kontrol positif), B= infeksi E. coli + bio aditif, C= infeksi E. coli + probiotik, D= infeksi E. coli + antibiotik, E= tanpa infeksi E. coli (kontrol negatif). Pakan komersil berbasis jagung-kedelai diformulasi sebagai pakan basal. Percobaan dilakukan selama 35 hari dan pada hari ke-21 broiler diinfeksi E. coli kecuali perlakuan E. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian bio aditif (B) menghasilkan berat badan akhir (1.659,52 g) dan pertambahan bobot badan (1.616,81 g) yang lebih tinggi (P<0,05) serta FCR yang lebih efisien (1,87) dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya. Tingkat kematian terendah tercatat pada perlakuan B (3,57%) dan D (3,57%). Pemberian probiotik dan antibiotik menurunkan (P<0,05) pH dan keempukan daging dibandingkan dengan perlakuan lainnya. Sementara itu, pemberian bio aditif tidak mempengaruhi kualitas daging (pH, susut masak, kapasitas menahan air, keempukan, dan kadar lemak daging) dibandingkan dengan kontrol positif dan negatif. Kolesterol daging terendah tercatat pada perlakuan B (54,02 mg/100 g). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian bio aditif pada broiler yang diinfeksi E. coli dapat meningkatkan performa ternak dan menurunkan kolesterol karkas dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya.