摘要:The objectives of this research were to compare technical efficiency of beef cattle business operating in lowland and upland areas of East Java and to identify and analyze factors affecting the technical efficiency as well as inefficiency of that business. A survey was conducted to 89 farmers in the lowland area of Probolinggo District and 97 farmers in the upland areas of Malang Districts during the period of February-March 2013. Results of stochastic frontier production function with MLE method showed that the average technical efficiency in lowland area was higher (80%) compared to that in upland area (64%). The results indicated that beef cattle production was highly significant and positively influenced by total of grasses and forages, rice straw, feed supplements, stock of cattle, labor time allocation and service per conception. However, location of the business, whether in lowland and upland areas was a significant factor that could increase the efficiency. Some factors that could significantly reduce the technical inefficiency of beef cattle business were: labor force in family, education level, proportion of beef cattle income to total household income, age of cattle sold, cattle health examination, ownership status of the cattle, and gender. Therefore, (1) the existing farmers group should be improved their role to facilitate trading of cattle feed, and (2) the government should facilitate the farmers in the provision of funding tu buy beef cattle with a subsidized interest rate, so the farmers will be more enthusiast in taking care of their cattle, thus could improve their production efficiency.
其他摘要:Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan efisiensi teknis perkembangbiakan sapi potong di dataran rendah dan dataran tinggi di Jawa Timur, serta untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi efisiensi teknis dan penyebab terjadinya inefisiensi dalam usaha tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Probolinggo dan Malang, Jawa Timur pada bulan FebruariMaret 2013. Survei dilakukan terhadap 89 peternak responden di dataran rendah (Probolinggo) dan 97 peternak responden di dataran tinggi (Malang). Hasil estimasi fungsi produksi stokastik frontier dengan metode maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata efisiensi teknis di dataran rendah lebih tinggi (80%) dibandingkan dengan tingkat efisiensi teknis di dataran tinggi (64%). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa jumlah rumput dan hijauan, jerami, pakan suplemen, stok ternak sapi, dosis IB, dan lokasi secara signifikan dan positif berpengaruh pada produksi ternak sapi potong. Faktor-faktor yang secara signifikan dapat menurunkan inefisiensi teknis ialah angkatan kerja dalam keluarga, tingkat pendidikan, share pendapatan usaha ternak sapi terhadap total pendapatan rumah tangga, penjualan ternak di bawah satu tahun, pemeriksaan kesehatan ternak, status kepemilikan induk ternak sapi, dan peran gender. Oleh karena itu, (1) perlunya pembentukan kelompok petani peternak yang bisa memfasilitasi jual-beli pakan, dan (2) perlunya bantuan dana pembelian sapi dengan bunga bersubsidi dari pemerintah sehingga peternak dapat memelihara induk milik sendiri untuk meningkatkan efisiensi usaha perkembangbiakan ternak sapi potong.