摘要:Mare’s milk has good nutrient composition for human being in the form of natural milk or milk products. It can be used to replace cow’s milk, especially in the regions outside of Java Island which are rarely found dairy cow. This study had an objective to develop fermented mare’s milk by using mixed cultures of probiotic bacteria i.e. Lactobacillus acidophilus (A), Bifidobacterium longum (B), and Lactobacillus casei (C). The cultures of two probiotic bacteria AB and BC had been developed as well as three probiotic bacteria ABC culture. The mixed cultures (AB, BC and ABC) were prepared in single culture then cultivated in mixed culture as total 10% v/v of mare’s milk used and was incubated at 39°C for 9 h. The pH, acidity and bacterial count, each of them was analyzed in every 3 h of incubation time, while the organic acid and sensory tests were conducted at the end of 9 h of incubation. The results showed that the growth of mixed probiotic bacteria culture BC and ABC had better pH value that was around 3 compared with AB around 4.5. This showed that the cooperation between bacteria was different in each different combinations. The number of bacteria also increased sharply between 3-6 h of incubation time and 6-9 incubation time (AB and BC) along with the increased lactic acid, but the acetic acid decreased from 1750 mg/L to 1500 mg/L. The result of sensory test showed low acceptability of trained panelists. It is concluded that mixed cultures, using two or three probiotic bacteria (L. acidophilus, B. longum, and L. casei) could grow in mare’s milk. The change of the biochemical patterns indicated a commensalism cooperation among bacteria used. It was therefore the fermented mare’s milk using these probiotic bacteria were not well accepted by entrained panelists.
其他摘要:Susu kuda mengandung komposisi gizi yang baik untuk manusia dalam bentuk susu segar maupun susu olahan. Hal tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pengganti susu sapi terutama di daerah luar pulau Jawa yang masih jarang ditemukan sapi perah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan susu kuda fermentasi menggunakan kultur bakteri probiotik Lactobacillus acidophilus (A), Bifidobacterium longum (B) dan Lactobacillus casei (C). Kultur campuran (AB, BC, dan ABC) yang diinokulasikan sebanyak 10% v/v dan diinkubasi pada suhu 39°C selama 9 jam. Nilai pH, kadar keasaman dan jumlah bakteri diuji setiap 3 jam inkubasi sedangkan asam organik dan uji sensoris diuji pada akhir inkubasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan kultur bakteri probiotik campuran BC dan ABC lebih baik dengan nilai pH akhir berkisar 3 dibandingkan dengan AB yang memiliki pH sekitar 4,5. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kerja sama antarbakteri berbeda-beda tiap perbedaan kombinasi. Jumlah bakteri juga meningkat tajam antara jam ke 3-6 waktu inkubasi (ABC) dan jam ke 6-9 waktu inkubasi (AB dan BC) seiring dengan meningkatnya kadar asam laktat, namun kadar asam asetat menurun dari 1750 ke 1500 mg/L. Hasil uji sensoris menunjukkan bahwa daya terima panelis terhadap semua sampel susu fermentasi yang diuji masih rendah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa susu kuda fermentasi dengan kultur campuran (L. acidophilus, B. longum, dan L. casei) baik dua atau tiga bakteri probiotik dapat tumbuh pada susu kuda. Perubahan biokimia pada susu mengindikasikan adanya kerja sama (kooperasi) antarbakteri yang digunakan namun masih kurang diterima oleh panelis.
关键词:Mare’s milk;probiotic mixed cultures;growth condition;biochemical change;sensory test