摘要:We propose and test a new leadership model.Our model is an extension of the leaderplex model which proposes that leader cognitive and social complexities are linked with leader effectiveness indirectly,in a mediation scheme,through behavioral complexity.We enhance the leader-plex model with a leader’s degree of managerial discretion as the moderator of the links in this mediation format.Methodology: We test our model with a moderated mediation approach (Baron-Kenny four-step procedure and Preacher-Hayes bootstrapping methods).Findings: We use results of interviews with top leaders in Poland and demonstrate that a leader’s managerial discretion is a moderator affecting the mediation scheme assumed in the leaderplex model.Limitations: The sample size is only 29 leaders.To preserve the respondents’ anonymity,their opinions were evaluated by only one researcher who interviewed them directly.The results may be country specific (Poland).Originality: We define new boundary conditions for the leaderplex model by showing importance of a leader’s real position (managerial discretion) in an organization.Specifically,we show that the nature of the relationships between the variables of interest will change when a leader operates in one physical environment (e.g.,high managerial discretion) rather than another (e.g.,low managerial discretion).