标题:J.UCS special issue on Challenges for Smart Environments – Human-Centered Computing, Data Science, and Ambient Intelligence. Smart Human-Centered Computing (volume 2)
摘要:Based on a successful funded collaboration between the American University of Armenia, the University of Duisburg-Essen and the University of Chile, in previous years a network was built, and in September 2020 a group of researchers gathered (although virtually) for the 2nd CODASSCA workshop on “Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Smart City Applications”. This event has attracted 25 paper submissions which deal with the problems and challenges mentioned above. The studies are in specialized areas and disclose novel solutions and approaches based on existing theories suitably applied.The authors of the best papers published in the conference proceedings on Collaborative Technologies and Data Science in Artificial Intelligence Applications by Logos edition Berlin were invited to submit significantly extended and improved versions of their contributions to be considered for a journal special issue of J.UCS. There was also a J.UCS open call so that any author could submit papers on the highlighted subject. For this volume, we selected those devoted mainly to human-computer interaction problematics, which were rigorously reviewed in three rounds and 6 papers nominated to be published.