标题:Detailed Soil Survey Field and Laboratory Data as a Critical Tool for Optimizing the Arable Cropping Capability Evaluation of a Representative Episaturated Soil Pedon in Greece
摘要:The objective of the present work is to contribute to the examination of the interconnections between soil classification/soil mapping and soil capability for agricultural use. A pedon scale analytical field along with laboratory data of an episaturated agricultural soil of Thessaly (Greece), allowed for the optimization of soil fertility class evaluation and its corresponding agricultural value. Specific soil properties, low chroma colors and the distribution of redoximorphic features within the soil profile (Fe-Mn concretions) revealed the presence of impermeable argillic horizons, resulting in a perched water table in late winter and spring. The evaluation of the soil pedon was carried out through the accurate parameterization and implementation of a technical soil classification system and a soil rating method, both of which are well known worldwide, and which use detailed soil survey data. The results confirmed the general principle that only by using detailed soil survey field and laboratory data can any technical soil classification system or soil rating method be adapted and properly applied. Both the classification system and the scoring methodology of the soil profile reached the same conclusion: characterizing the studied soil as of good potential for general arable cropping or as of fair agricultural value. This was achieved only by considering the phenomenon of episaturation, which emerged from the plethora of detailed soil survey data, guiding the classification system and the scoring methodology to produce reliability and represent real situation results.