摘要:This article discusses an experience report on a lecture entitled psychological aspects of pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium and the importance of the father, performed by trainees of the Psychology course at Paulista University - UNIP (Campus Santos-Rangel) in a company of telemarketing in the city of Santos. Participated in the lecture 31 pregnant employees, with ages between 18 and 35 years, the majority were multiparous. This lecture aimed to provide for future mothers, a space of listening and acceptance; in addition to basics on pregnancy healthy and the initial care of the newborn. Through a slide presentation and Wheel of Conversation, where it was developed a dynamic presentation, the pregnant women discussed aspects related to planning of pregnancy; changes experienced: physical, emotional, social and professional; the roles that the woman represents in your family cycle and social; expectations for the future; importance of medical monitoring previous and post-natal, for health of both mother and baby; and importance of the father. This lecture was also a work of psychoeducation, to know the demands of these pregnant women, to provide, initially, a job orientation and subsequently intervene with action strategies. It was identified some common concerns, among them: the anxiety against the various concomitant issues at the end of maternity leave; the changes in all fields of interpersonal relationships; expectations for the future and the need to postpone or change some of these plans, the support of her partners and the active participation of them in the process of gestation. The result brought the reflection about how the psychologist can intervene in order to provide a better quality of life within an institution, as well as offer opportunities for dialog and guidance to such women and the proposal of the return of the interns to the institution with the drawing up of a new project.