摘要:Teachers, students, and parents of special children from selected schools in Saudi Arabia's Northern Border region took part in the study to provide data on their levels of emotional intelligence and selfefficacy beliefs in order to demonstrate their readiness to perform as per the set standards for their roles in the teaching and learning process of special/gifted learners. A sample of students (n=50) and teachers (n=24) from primary, middle and high schools responded to the study instruments on emotional intelligence and self-efficacy; parents (n=30) also participated in the study. Gender and educational status are the variables considered for parents, teachers and students. The results indicate a significant relation between the EI and SE among all the study groups in terms of gender and their educational status. Male teachers and parents have higher EI and SE than their female counterparts; higher EI has also been linked to higher SE. Uneducated parents register lower EI and SE than the educated ones. Similarly, male teachers have higher EI and SE than female teachers; high school teachers have higher EI and SE than primary and middle school teachers. Similarly, students too have reflected similar patterns.