摘要:Teaching in e-learning settings often involves the dichotomies of time (synchronous/asynchronous) and space (same place/different places), but when e-learning involves a hybrid mix of students on campus and e-learning students on-line – and the teaching is recorded in order to be watched by other students later on – this traditional dichotomy cannot capture the complex and multiplied learning settings. This paper attempts to focus on the change of space and time in e-learning settings the way e-learning students and teachers in a professional bachelor programin physiotherapy describe it, and the purpose is to present a framework for categorizing time and space in e-learning settings. Thus, the paper introduces the concept of multi- and mono-locality in order to be able to describe a teaching and learning settings where presence is sometimes felt in more than one place at a time.
关键词:e-learning; time; space; physiotherapy education; multi- and mono-local settings