摘要:The tradition of Indian aesthetics was explicit in Vedic civilization of India and the contributions of PreAryan, Co-Aryan and Anti-Aryan are self-evidenced in the fields of dance, drama, music and paintings etc. Indian aestheticians endeavour to justify and establish that the sweet sources of human beats are beyond the reach of words and binds or the criteria of reasoning. From western point of view it is known ordinarily by the name of philosophy of literature and literary criticism but from Indian point of view, it is the system of Indian Aesthetics.But the question is, as this science and philosophy can be applied in the different field of fine art as dance, drama, music, literature and painting? Is it applicable in Dalit Literature also or Not? Because Dalit literature is the literary representation of the social reality of the marginal and the dispossessed groups of society. The present paper aims at dealing with the dalit literature from the perspectives of Indian Aesthetics..
关键词:Aesthetics;Vedic;Aryan;Dalit;Tap;Rasa;Samajik;Canonical;Satyam;Shivam;Sundram;Liberty;Fraternity and Equality;Rasa;Alankar;Dhvani and Vakrokti