摘要:In order to realize good governance, the government of DKI Jakarta have implemented e-budgeting system since 2013, which is a follow-up on the implementation of e-Government that aims to create a clean government, transparent, accountable, free from corruption and collusion against the budget of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government in the future. This policy is regulated through the Regulation of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province, Number 145 of 2013 concerning the Preparation of the Draft Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget / Revised Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget through Electronic Budgeting. ebudgeting policy implementation model that can create a clean, transparent, accountable government, free from corruption and collusion. This research uses data analysis technique of Interactive Analysis Model namely analysis method used to analyze data obtained in the field and reciprocal moves continuously throughout the study. In its implementation, the method used is to combine interactively and circularly between data collection, data condensation, data display, and then draw conclusions and verification. Budgeting is a model that can prevent the emergence of constraining factors, especially the “conflict interest” of the actors involved, and allows the public to participate in the budget formulation process, thereby creating transparency and accountability. So transparency in the process of preparing the APBD through e-Budgeting must open up access for the public to participate in the APBD preparation process..
关键词:policy implementation;electronic budgeting;revenue budget and regional expenditur