摘要:This research is to study the effect of consultant's competences on the project performance of consulting and social-relational competence of the consultant based on ICMCI competence framework. The survey was conducted, and the collected data were analyzed statistically. Descriptive statistics analysis, exploratory factor analysis, convergent validity, internal consistency reliability analysis and discriminant validity analysis using Smart-PLS 3.3.2 for measurement model analysis were performed. The importance and suitability of the path model were verified through the structural model analysis, and the evaluation of the effect size and the predictive suitability for the structural model were evaluated. The results of this study are as follows. First, although the business competence and technical competence of consultant had a positive effect on the project performance, the effect of the values & behavior competence on the project performance was not statistically significant. Second, the technical competence and the values & behavior competence of consultant were found to have a positive effect on the social-relational competence, but the business competence had not a positive effect on the social-relational competence. Third, social-relational competence of consultant was found to have a positive effect on the project performance, but the indirect effect of the consultant competence through social-relational competence did not have a statistically significant effect on the project performance. This study is meaningful as a study to confirm that the social-relational competence affects the performance of consulting projects, but there is a limit to the generalization and application of results because it was targeted only at certified consultants..
关键词:ICMCI competence framework;Business competence;Technical competence;Values and Behavior competence;Social-relational competence;Project performanc