摘要:Student satisfaction is an indicator of the quality of graduates in tertiary institutions. Service quality, namely, the ability of lecturers and administrative staff to work professionally, the availability of information technology, and adequate facilities and infrastructure can affect student satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service quality on student satisfaction at the Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty, Samarinda State Islamic Institute. This research design in this study was survey method. Sampling was carried out using Slovin by a simple random sampling of 83 respondents, from a total population of 485 respondents. Data collection was carried out by using a questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using multiple linear regression, but before doing the analysis, a prerequisite test was conducted. The results of data analysis show that the value of tcount = 0.58, while the ttable = 0.26, meaning that tcount is greater than ttable (0.58> 0.26). The determination coefficient R2 = was 0.660, which means that human resources, management of information technology, and infrastructure impact by 66% against the level of student satisfaction. While variables other than these two variables contribute 34%. Based on the results of statistical tests it can be concluded that the quality of service has a significant influence on student satisfaction.
关键词:Service Quality;Student Satisfaction;Teacher Training and Educatio