摘要:Students’ indisciplinary action is one of the social problems in schools that requires attention and treatment. There are several factors become the background of students' indisciplinary action. Family background, environmental influences, the students' interaction and the social structure of the school also contribute to the occurrence of indisciplinary action The results of this study indicate; (i) there are several social structures of school that have the potential to cause students’ indisciplinary action, namely; teachers’ omission to the violations of school discipline and rules by the students; sanctions or penalties are not suitable with the type of students’ indisciplinary action; and incomplete handling by the teachers; (ii) rational social actions namely instrumental social actions and value-oriented social actions can help achieve the goals of students’ indisciplinary action. In this case, non-rational social actions are traditional social actions and affective social actions that give less results in supporting the handling of indisciplinary students in schools. Non-rational actions in handling students’ indisciplinary actions tend to cause conflict..