摘要:This study aimed to investigate the Elementary School teachers’ practices regarding classroom conflict management at Federal Government Educational Institutions (cants/ Garrisons) – FGEI’s (C/G). This was quantitative research that has been conducted under the Positivist paradigm. There were150 male whereas 150 female teachers selected conveniently as sample. The data was collected by using the self-developed 5 point Likert rating scale ranging from Strongly Disagree to Strongly Agree comprising 30 items. Descriptive statistics (frequency and percentage) have been used to analyze the data regarding the demographic detail whereas the Mann Whitney U test has been applied to the data so to find out the difference among the teachers’ practices regarding classroom conflicts on the basis of their gender. It is concluded that the teachers deal with “Interpersonal Conflicts”and “Organizational Conflict” appropriately.They also do appropriately regarding“Conflict Management”..