摘要:In higher education teaching, improving learner autonomy in technology integrated context specifically in the ESL class has become a keyconcern for curriculum planners and classroom teachers.Thus, the current research explored the effects of the blog-mediated learning strategies and their applications on students’ autonomy in the ESLcontext among Pakistani engineering university undergraduates. This quasi-experimental research was conducted on (n=64) students in two intact ESL classes. The quantitative data was collected through the questionnaireprior to and after the intervention. The findings of the research revealed that blog-mediated learning strategies helped the engineering students’ in enhancing their autonomy in theESLcontext. The study suggested that there should be a blog- mediated learning strategies and courses, should be in curricula design, teaching, and learningblog- mediated learning strategies in teaching training programs because suchmodules are appropriate to authorize students and they become able to monitor their own learning in an ESL context. The study further recommends that there must be more opportunities forstudents’ involvement,providing thema studentcenteredlearning environment and manage to design group activities to stimulatemotivationand interest of the students for reading..