期刊名称:International Online Journal of Educational Sciences
摘要:The purpose of this study is to develop an acceptance scale whose reliability and validity were tested for the use of m-art applications for Visual Arts preservice teachers. Mobile art applications acceptance scale was tried to determine the theoretical framework based on Davis' (1989) technology acceptance model. The study group was formed with 446 Visual Arts preservice teachers studying in three different universities with an Art teaching program in the Eastern Anatolia Region. In order to determine the structure of the scale, EFA was performed and CFA was used to verify this structure through SPSS 17.0 software. The fit indices of the structure obtained for the scale (χ2 / sd = 1.93, RMSEA = .074, SRMR = .069, NFI = .93, NNFI = .96, IFI = .97, CFI = 0.97 and GFI = 0.85) show acceptable fit according to Brown (2006), Sümer (2000), Meydan and Şeşen (2011) and Seçer (2013). In this respect, it was seen that the factor structure obtained from EFA as a result of CFA has acceptable fit. Cronbach alpha (α) internal consistency coefficient was found .869 for 19 items of the scale.In scale studies, Cronbach Alpha value is reliable with measurements of .70 and above (Büyüköztürk, 2004; Nunnaly & Bernstein, 1994). It can be said that the measurements obtained in this direction are evidence for the reliability of the scale.
关键词:Mobile Art Applications;Arts preservice teachers;Acceptance Scale;Validity;Reliability