期刊名称:Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
出版社:Journal of Theoretical and Applied
摘要:The Butterfly Optimization algorithm (BOA) is taken into account as a new metaheuristic algorithm family. Researchers were drawn to this metaheuristic algorithm due to the potential offered to solve the problems broadly. The BOA algorithm was employed to obtain the best solution to the curve fitting problem by using the cubic Ball curve. Sum Square Error (SSE) is used to evaluate the error generated between two curves because the goal of this research is to shrink the distance between the extracted shape images and the generated curve by parametric equation. The pre-processing steps need to be followed before enter to the curve reconstruction process. According to the findings of this analysis, the proposed method did not successfully generate a fit cubic Ball curve because the shape formed on the boundary extraction is not closely fitted. The error generated has tarnished the expected results, and the method proposed need to be improved eventually.