摘要:This study aimed to investigate English as Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ perceptions on the use of technology integrated authentic tasks and determine whether there is a change in students’ perceptions of the ability to use authentic tasks in real life before and after the implementation. Participants were 57 young adult learners at the tertiary level. The data collection process took place in two academic semesters in which there were three phases: pre-survey, task implementation, and post-survey. Pre-survey included questions regarding the competency in performing authentic tasks and technology use. In post-survey, pre-survey questions were included and tasks were assessed in terms of their contribution to language learning. Quantitative data were analysed via Descriptive Statistics, ANOVA Test, and Paired-Samples T-Test whereas the qualitative data were analysed via constant comparison method. The results indicated that learners regarded most of the tasks necessary and they appreciated their contribution to language learning. Learners also provided their suggestions for the improvement of certain tasks as well as the variety of the topics chosen and the overall procedure. This study might contribute to program and material developers, language teachers, and researchers in the use and study of instructional technology (IT) to promote authentic language learning tasks.